R.E. Warner Structural Engineer Ryan O'Hearn, PE (pictured center), ASCE Cleveland President, participates in news conference regarding the release of the groups Northeast Ohio Infrastructure Report Card.
ASCE Cleveland has released it’s Northeast Ohio Infrastructure Report Card, providing critical data about the state of our roads, bridges, water systems, schools and more in Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, Geauga and Medina counties. We are proud to share that R.E. Warner Senior Project Manager Matt Benovic, PE, SE (ASCE Cleveland Past President) and R.E. Warner Structural Engineer Ryan O’Hearn, PE (ASCE Cleveland President) both participated on the committee that managed this massive project.

The report gives our region’s infrastructure an overall grade of D+, but more importantly, it sheds light on needed improvements and raises public awareness about the need for investment. To develop this report, over the course of 18+ months, local engineering professionals volunteered their time and expertise to visit public officials, examine various sources of data, and participate in monthly progress meetings. To “grade” the infrastructure, they were considering general physical conditions including whether they jeopardize public safety, the ability to meet present and future needs, and whether operations and maintenance are meeting government regulations, in addition to other factors specific to the type of infrastructure.
Matt and Ryan’s involvement in this undertaking is exemplifies our team members’ genuine commitment to improving our community for future generations through our work for clients and participation in industry organizations. For in-depth news coverage of the report’s findings, click
here. Or, click
here to read the report itself.